Although, Amazon never share any reasons, selling privileges are commonly removed for:
If you are new on Amazon, probably this is going to be the most confusing question you might have to deal with. It is worth noting here that there is no mercy shown by Amazon's Seller Performance team for reasons such as:
Whatever reasons you have, Amazon will always need an explanation on what had actually caused the problem. It will also require you to explain what all actions you are taking, targeting the root cause so that the problem does not occur again, as well as what are the steps you are taking towards the affected customers.
In order to recover your suspended store, you must "Appeal" against the "Suspension". While doing this, you must ensure to follow these points:
What we suggest to all the suspended sellers who know that they are at fault – Admit it, and provide an explanation as to what all steps or measures you are taking to correct the situation on an immediate basis. Amazon's Seller Performance team will definitely need an assurance from your end that you are indeed serious about solving the problem so that it never occurs again.
For all those suspended sellers who don't know the root cause of the problem, we would suggest that you be clear that you don't understand the reason why you were sent performance notification. It is best to ask for more details from seller performance team. However, Amazon's seller performance team in most cases does not offer enough specifics to enable you to completely diagnose a complicated situation, and most of the time you will end up guessing the root cause of receiving Amazon notification. Once you gain more experience as a seller and start following Amazon seller blogs you will get more insights on how sellers like you have been addressing such issues.
When you are crafting a response it is always best to be as specific as you can be. This may include saying things such as:
If you are in possession of any document that supports your claims for reconsideration, scan and attach it along with your response to the performance team.
You are allowed to appeal your suspension, but there is no guarantee that Amazon will reinstate you.
Once you have sent an email to, it will be unlikely that you will get a response from Amazon unless they require more information from you or want to not hear from you again.
Therefore, it is best to send response with all the explanations all at once. Yes, it might feel like explaining situation to a wall in the beginning, without any human interaction from Amazon, but this is how Amazon functions.
It is worth noting here that seller performance team can be wrong, so you always need to have proper evidence supporting your claims. If there is anything that doesn't seem right to you, try understanding what is going on, or might be going on, and then rule out the possible cause. This is how Amazon functions and you need to correspond with them on similar lines.
If you have been doing something on Amazon that you are not allowed to do, then you probably have a long way to go before Amazon allows you as an active seller on Amazon. So, it is best to stay out of all forbidden stuff to have a long, prosperous and hassle free selling experience on Amazon.
If you are planning on getting registered as a seller on Amazon there are various self-service options available:
It won't really matter, which of these options you choose, since the process is all the same once you begin with your registration process.
The next step would be to decide upon what kind of seller you wish to be – a professional seller or an individual seller. Professional sellers are regular sellers who wish to list a large volume of products, whereas individual sellers only have a small quantity of goods to sell.
The benefits and consequences of selecting professional or an individual seller account are:
The registration process can be completed in less than an hour. However you must collect all the information that will be required while registering so as to have a smooth registration process.
Signing up rules differ from country to country, so let's take a look at all the information that will be required and the process to get registered in the US marketplace ( Remember, the registration process can be paused at any point and it can be proceeded with later on. However, it is best to have all these information before you begin with the registration process.
Once all the information is provided, you will become a registered seller on Amazon. Amazon will almost immediately encourage you to begin with product listing process. Listing even a single product would amount to you becoming a launched seller, from earlier being a registered, not launched seller.
Before you actually begin listing your products on Amazon, there are a few crucial administrative issues that you should not overlook. These include:
The most recommended settings include:
Account information – Check whether all the contact information mentioned is accurate. The information displayed can be edited by clicking on edit button available on the right hand site.
Notification preferences – If you have dedicated staff members in your team addressing distinct issues, you would perhaps want to set email preferences in such a way so that you don't miss out on any important emails generated for every single order.
Login Settings – When you wish to make changes to your username or password to login to your Seller Central account.
Returns Settings – Decide how you wish your product returns from your customers to be handled. Amazon handles FBA returns. However, if you are an individual seller, you have the following choices for your default return request authorization rules:
Instructions that have been set up by you will facilitate communication between you, Amazon and your customer.
Shipping settings – Professional sellers are allowed to set their own shipping rates for orders that they fulfill themselves. Whatever rates you choose, make sure that you offer competitive rates to your customers.
Tax Settings – It is common for new sellers to not collect tax on Amazon transactions, which forces them to pay for it from out of their pockets. Sales tax costs are not considered while calculating buybox algorithm, so you won't be penalized if your customer belongs to the state where you have to pay state tax.
User Permissions – You can allow people to have access to certain sections of Seller Central account. This can be useful if you have many people as part of your team, and you do not wish all of them to have access to all the information available on your Amazon account.
Your Info & Policies – Describe about your company in "about seller" section to help customers get acquainted with your company, and its procedures and guidelines. If you have your company logo, upload it on product detail page next to your company name. If you are selling products having unusual features or characteristics you can address those in FAQs.
Fulfilled by Amazon – If you will be using FBA, you need to fill in all the required information to ensure that returns are correctly sent to your postal address.
Yes, sure. There are many scenarios wherein Brand Registry can be beneficial in managing brands on Amazon, such as:
If you search for Brand Registry on Seller Central, you will find a link that will take you to the page where you can apply for Brand Registry. You will be required to provide information explaining the specific scenarios for which you wish to apply for Brand Registry. You will be asked about the product aspect you want to use as unique identification criteria for every SKU – like EAN and UPC code, etc. Once the identifying attribute is selected by you, Amazon's Brand Registry team will only take a few days to analyze and give approval to your application.
Once you are given Brand Registry for your brand you will be required to Re-submit all your feeds pertaining to the brand. Only after doing so, your content will get locked down and Global Catalog Identifier (GCID) will be applied by Amazon to all the SKUs of the brands you want to lock down.
While re-submitting your feeds in Seller Central, make sure to verify the error reports. Proper assignment of GCID to your products is crucial to have better control on your product listings.
In order to make sure that GCID's have been assigned to your products, check whether or not your product listings have:
It is important to know whether or not GCIDs have been tied to all the SKUs of the brands that you wish lock down in Brand Registry.
You can view GCIDs of your product in an inventory report by following these steps:
Important Note – Data that you add after being approved will be locked down and only you can make change to it. However, exception is available to images, which can be uploaded by any seller. So, if you want certain fields to be locked, make sure that you have submitted them in your feed after you have got approval for Brand Registry for your brand.
To get your own Amazon store and leverage our experience & technical know-how in building, managing and updating web stores that help you strengthen your online presence, please contact us today! You can also share with us your project details/ requirements at and we will get back to you in a jiffy!